Strathpeffer Toddlers gives mums-to-be, new mums and experienced mums the chance to meet others and to make new friends, whilst the little ones interact with their peers.
We welcome dads, grannies, aunties, carers and brothers and sisters too, so come and join in the fun!
Wednesdays 9:30am-12.30pm
Company Limited by Guarantee
Company No. 207195
Registered Charity No SC000688
Strathpeffer Community Development Trust Ltd
School Road, Strathpeffer, IV14 9AG
Tel: 01997 421 989
We support and host a number of different local groups who provide activities and skills to Children and Young people. If you would like us to look at providing other activities, please get in touch and let us know.
Rainbows have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities. It is an opportunity to look, learn, laugh and love.
Everything a Brownie or Guide does is an adventure - it's a world of excitement, new interests and friends. You belong to a Pack and work in small groups called Sixes. This gives each girl a group of ready-made friends to take care of her.
Mondays Rainbows/Brownies 5.30pm - 7.15pm Guides at 7.30pm - 8.45pm
A Martial Art designed to promote self-defence, self-discipline, life-skills and character development. Kempo classes inspire students towards a goal of Black Belt through a comprehensive and fun syllabus.
Mondays 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Rainbows, Brownies
and Guides

Strathpeffer Community Development Trust Ltd
School Road, Strathpeffer, IV14 9AG
Tel: 01997 421 989
Company Limited by Guarantee
Company No. 207195
Registered Charity No SC000688
Strathpeffer Toddlers